About Me...

I am a Phoenix-based artist who explores the dichotomy between the public and private self, as well as the concept of the "beautiful body."

My main objective is to find and define the beautiful.
Not only as interpreted through my mind's eye, but as constructed by time, society, and individual opinion.  Beauty has had myriad definitions throughout history, and I endeavor through this blog to discover, analyze, and create the beautiful.

Through various photographic works, I intend to magnify and bring to light the beauty of the human form in images that might not typically be deemed "beautiful."  Through this work, we see the universal beauty of the soul and of the community we are a part of.

My personal works are a part of a bigger project that I am working on which examines the portrayal of beauty through the body in artistic works of the early Nineteenth Century as a dialogue with modern images.

I will not only use this blog as a platform from which to launch my own work, but will also present and celebrate works that inspire through their "beauty" and conceptual significance.

I hope that you will join me on this journey of artistic discovery...

You can also explore my full porfolio at...
Or follow me on twitter @SadieFaye12

For information about art happenings in the greater Phoenix area, 
please visit my page on the Examiner.com website

Creative Commons License
SadieFayeArt by SadieFaye (Laelle Valdez) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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